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How to optimize Your youtube Channel Seo for Better traffic result

Hello guys today in this post i will show you that how to made a new YouTube channel and how to optimize it for better Seo Result and traffic result.

What is YouTube ?

YouTube is the world largest site for watching videos ( tutorial review movies cartoon and many more ) you-tuber or creator made video and upload then to YouTube to earn a Good Amount Of Money . When people watch your YouTube video ad sense ads show on your video if visitor click the ads YouTube pay some % of the revenue to you through adsense you have to apply for menetization in order to earn money from YouTube. In order to get many click you have to optimize your video to rank higher in search results.

How to Optimize YouTube Channel and Videos ?

In order to rank your video higher in search result. You have to optimize your YouTube channel as well as optimize each video for seo .
So start from YouTube channel name choice is yours but choose a name is already popular and related to your videos  example if your channel is about health then name should contain health and its is about tutorial then it should contain tutorial. I am telling all this staff because i work a lot on YouTube and i know YouTube algorithm better then you if you choose other name not related to your videos then it will also rank but it will take more time to rank. After choosing the good name for YouTube channel go to advanced setting of YouTube channel and below country there will be a box show in front of Keyword . So put all keywords that are related to your YouTube channel each keyword is separated by comma( , ) after entering all keyword related to your channel name and videos click save. Now go to channel and enter description in channel about section also put link to your Facebook page twitter etc make a good channel icon and art cover pic for your channel and save all the changes .
Now you are done your channel optimizing for better Rank in search Result. Now for ranking video you have to work on separate video.. first starting from Title optimize your title put The Most Used Keyword in the title that are used in your video . For example video related to optimization of YouTube videos . Title will look like this :

Howow To Optimize YouTube video | optimization of videos | Seo for Videos
Include many keyword in the title that are searchable related to your videos now you have done with Title go to description and give about a 500 words description include all keyword that are used in title and that you will used in tags section but don,t make it spam . Now in tags Section type all keywords that you used in title and description don,t enter keyword that are not included in title and description .
After publishing make sure that you share your video to related forum and Facebook group and google + community  the ranking is 50% depend upon the views that your video get in the first 24 hours specially first two hours make sure that you made video that are 100% related to keyword to get high watch time if your video get 90% audience retention then your will be rank for sure . Make engaging video make people to leave comment because comment is major cause of ranking ..
Thanks for reading and spending your valuable time here ..
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